Opinion: Local adult education must be part CT plan for our youth
Many of these individuals are among those included in the recent Dalio Education foundation’s report on Connecticut’s disconnected youth, prepared for the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities and shared with state legislators and the public. The report concluded that there are 119,000 young people in Connecticut who have either dropped out of school or are in danger of dropping out of school, and who are, for those ages 18 to 26, unemployed and in many cases, currently unemployable.
Adult education stands ready to help reconnect those individuals and provide them with the academic and workforce training they need to enter our workforce. Collectively, we provide a pivotal component in what should be a multi-faceted policy response by Connecticut to the data developed by Dalio. As the legislature seeks to address these issues in the current session, we are well-prepared and well-positioned to be part of the solution.